Local Teacher Training
In partnership with the Department of Education, Bintan Regency, we delivered our second Local Teacher Training session for 2022. From 38 schools, 50 teachers were trained on the fundamental elements of the new Indonesian national curriculum, including setting up access to online learning materials, classroom management and project-based learning.
The group of 50 teachers will participate in an online follow up session next month where individuals will be assessed on whether follow-up work was completed, including the socialisation of key learnings to their colleagues.
Sports Day
A football event was held in Kawal for students from three schools and Learning Centres in Kawal, Kawal Pantai and Teluk Bakau.
In total, 84 students participated in the event, including 31 students from our Learning Centres, made up of 15 female students and 16 male students. In addition, 14 public school teachers attended and participated in the event.
Hari Guru Nasional
25 November marked National Teachers' Day in Indonesia, and our own teachers were tasked with creating a video about what the day means to them. Watch Wisesa's video below!
On behalf of all of us at TIF, we very much appreciate the hard work, commitment, creativity and drive of our teachers - we couldn't do it without you..!
Transcripts of Wisesa's video in English and Bahasa Indonesia can be accessed here.
TIF Board Offsite
The TIF Board arranged a two-day offsite, hosted by Nikoi Island, that included the participation of the YPKI Board, TIF/YPKI management, program consultants, and adviser Dewi Susanti.
The offsite was an opportunity to reflect on the changes and progress at TIF/YPKI, to identify challenges and opportunities, and to co-create a united high-level work plan for the organisation's future development and growth.
Being the first in-person meeting since the pandemic, it was a fantastic opportunity to reconnect and get energised!