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TIF Newsletter May 2022

The Island Foundation


YPKI Anniversary Celebration

Yayasan Peduli Kepulauan Indonesia (YPKI), our implementing partner in Indonesia, celebrated its first anniversary this month with key stakeholders from government, schools and local civil society organisations.

TIF Chair, Ed Jenne, and TIF Executive Director, Courtney Saville, attended the event - this marked their first visit to Bintan in over two years and was a fantastic opportunity to reconnect with the team, YPKI Board and program stakeholders.

Check out the video below for some highlights from the event:

YPKI Board Meeting

The YPKI Board met for the first time in person due to previous COVID-19 restrictions. All members of the Board are actively engaged and looking forward to supporting and guiding the organisation over the coming years.

Left to right: Zulyanti, Dedi, Rahmadi, Wildayani, Herlinda, Riza, Courtney, Agus, Mansud and Ed (Absent: Satria Agust and Yurifa).

Employees of the Year

As part of the first anniversary celebrations, two YPKI employees were recognised for their outstanding contributions and achievements over the past 12 months.

Wildayani, Finance and Administration Officer, was awarded as Employee of the Year, and Agus Suprianto, Program Coordinator, received an Achievement Award. Congratulations to both Wilda and Gontor for your dedication and hard work!

Soccer Competition

With the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, we arranged a number of events this month, including a soccer competition involving six of our 10 Learning Centre locations. Students in Grades 5 and 6 competed in a round robin event on a shortened pitch, followed by a knock out competition between six youth soccer teams.

The soccer competition was held during the delivery of our 'Leading Healthy Lives' learning units - through promoting active lifestyles and supporting local sports events, we hope to encourage students and communities to be mindful of their health and wellbeing.

Congratulations to the Panglong youth team on their win! And to our Teacher, Tintin, for his great goal! And well done to the runners up, Sialang and Pengudang.

Check out the video of our students playing in the round robin:

Mangrove Planting

To wrap up May, we held a mangrove planting event with 115 students from our 10 Learning Centres. The event was organised and delivered in collaboration with Bang Iwan from the Pengudang Mangrove Project, and students, parents, the YPKI Board and local organisations, including Yayasan Ecology.

Students learnt about the importance of mangroves, and were each provided with two mangroves for planting. 20 students were then selected to learn in-depth about the mangrove seeding process, and spent time at the mangrove nursery where mangrove seeds are harvested and cultivated.

Welcome Wisesa!

We are very happy to welcome Wisesa Hari Murti to the YPKI team. Wisesa holds a Bachelor's degree in Education with a major in student guidance and counselling. We are looking forward to working with Wisesa, and to leveraging her academic and expertise!

Consultancy - Learning Program Development

We are currently advertising for a qualified and values-aligned consultant to refine The Island Foundation’s Learning for Sustainability program infrastructure, and upgrade internal pedagogical and professional capacity.

The project aims to strengthen the Learning for Sustainability program to enhance students’ development of conceptual knowledge, build 21st Century skills (critical thinking, collaboration, confidence and creativity) and increase general engagement with learning for children living in small island and coastal communities.

For more information on the role and how to apply, please click here.


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