Learning Centres
This month, we have continued with the Leading Healthy Lives pillar of our Learning for Sustainability program, with students learning about healthy foods and routines. Utilising word games, puzzles and group work, our students practiced their English language skills, and progressed with the development of their creativity, collaboration, confidence and critical thinking.

Learning Farm
The Learning Farm at our Kawal Learning Centre is up and running with students growing seedlings from seed for planting in the new garden bed. Our students love exploring the Learning Farm - well done to Pak Roni for facilitating these interactive learning sessions!
Video snapshot
For a fun look inside our Learning Centres at some of the learning activities this month, click here to watch a short video!
Stakeholder and Community Engagement
We have been exploring the potential for a new Learning Centre in Teluk Bakau. In fact, Teluk Bakau is where it all began over 10 years ago - The Island Foundation established its first community library in the village. Now, we're back in Teluk Bakau following requests from the local community to open a Learning Centre. More updates to come!
We also met with Bang Iwan - a key local stakeholder of our Yayasan - who leads eco-tourism initiatives in Bintan Regency. Bang Iwan is working with the team to organise our upcoming mangrove planting day - keep an eye out in May for an update and photos!
International Women's Day
Happy International Women's Day to all of the fantastic women involved with The Island Foundation and Yayasan Peduli Kepulauan Indonesia! We appreciate and celebrate you as amazing individuals, and your contributions as Board members, advisers, managers, teachers and operations team members. Thank you!