2022 classes commenced!
Classes for 2022 commenced in January across all of our Learning Centres, with enrolments up at each location. This month, lessons were drawn from the Leading Healthy Lives theme, beginning with wellbeing and healthy habits, including labelling emotions and personal hygiene.
Launching two new Learning Centres
We are very excited to share that we have opened two new Learning Centres, bringing the total to 10..! Pulau Pucung and Kawal Pantai were open for enrolment throughout December and have registered 30 and 38 students respectively. Classes commenced this month alongside our eight existing Learning Centres.
Community engagement is very high in both locations, with local leaders and stakeholders supporting TIF to facilitate enrolments and the Learning Centre opening process. In Kawal Pantai, TIF is collaborating with Yayasan Aisyah Bintan, and news of the Learning Centre launch was picked up in local media.
Community information sessions
Prior to classes commencing, we held community information sessions with parents, village leaders and community representatives at our 10 Learning Centre locations. The sessions were an opportunity to re-introduce and update attendees on our Learning for Sustainability program, introduce our new team members, and facilitate discussion and feedback from our program stakeholders.
Manan Trust and Vitol Foundation
We are so very excited to announce that we have secured multi-year funding from two major donors, Manan Trust and Vitol Foundation. Funds from Manan Trust and Vitol Foundation are linked to our organisational strategy and have empowered us to improve our organisational infrastructure, expand our program reach and grow our team. We look forward to working in partnership with Manan Trust and Vitol Foundation over the coming years, and to maximising our impact for students and their communities.
Annual Report

Our 2020-21 Annual Report has been published on our website - click here to download and read about our achievements, financial summary and plans for the next year.