Hari Hutan - Forest Day - Indonesia
7 August 2022 marked National Forest Day in Indonesia, and our students participated in awareness raising campaign activities at their Learning Centres. Students were taken into nearby forests and made crafts with natural materials, learning about the importance of protecting and conserving forests for today and tomorrow.
TIF Fun Day
TIF Fun Days were held at three schools in Bintan Regency where we have Learning Centres - approximately 800 students and teachers participated in the events which provided fun learning games, competitions and group work.
Headmasters and two teachers from each of the schools were asked to complete a survey following the events. Feedback from respondents demonstrated:
100% found the event beneficial for their schools
100% found the event interesting and engaging for students, and 100% found the event beneficial for students
86% found the learning materials were easily understood by students.
Hari Merdeka - Independence Day - Indonesia
To celebrate Indonesia's Independence Day on 17 August 2022, we supported community activities and events across six Learning Centre locations. We supported local competitions and games, including boat races, traditional costume competitions and sports , with 54 participants receiving prizes for their efforts.
Engaging with schools

Our engagement with schools has increased this month following the Local Teacher Training in July, the TIF Fun Day events in August, and upcoming World Clean Up Day in September.
Schools are an important program stakeholder - not only do our students attend local schools, teachers are major advocates for the needs of children and their families and are on the front line of education in our partner communities.
Program Consultants
We are excited to share that we have engaged two fantastic consultants to support the development of our Learning for Sustainability framework and program over the next six months.
Marsaria (Pima) Primadonna and Pia Adiprima are both recognised educators with long standing careers in teaching, curriculum development, teacher training and education sector reform with the public and private education sectors in Indonesia.