Welcome to our new monthly Newsletter!
Hello supporters of The Island Foundation - we are excited to share the first edition of our monthly newsletter! Each month we will provide key highlights from our program and general updates about The Island Foundation. January 2020 key highlights
Student orientations - In January we held two orientation sessions for our Learning Centres in Pengudang and Sialang with 44 enrolments, bringing our total number of active students for February to 214. Volunteers - TIF Alumni, Kenny, attended our Learning Centre in Malang Rapat while at school and is now studying for a Bachelor degree in management. A great singer and traditional dancer, we are happy to have Kenny back with us as a regular volunteer. Community engagement - The new year kicked off with increased engagement across all Learning Centres - in Malang Rapat we hosted games with kindergarten children, we carried out home visits with parents across a number of locations, hosted an international artists visit, and our Community Engagement Officer, Tintin, hosted 30 local junior high school students for a cultural visit in Panglong.

The Island Foundation Learning Centres
The Island Foundation is running eight Learning Centres along the east coast of Bintan Island in the Riau Islands, Indonesia. On the map below, clockwise from the top left: Pengudang, Panglong, Sialang, Teluk Bakau, Malang Rapat, Kawal, Tenggel and Kelong. Each village donates a community building for our use as a Learning Centre and we assign teaching staff to engage with the local community, carry out the Foundation’s vision and mission, and deliver The Island Foundation curriculum.

Throughout the year we will profile our Learning Centres and team so that you can learn more about where we work, who we serve, what we do, how we do it, and why..! Below is Teacher Wahyu delivering a class in Malang Rapat.
