Learning Centres
Like most places around the world, Covid-19 is presenting ongoing challenges in Bintan Regency that are impacting on childhood learning and development. Thankfully, with our staff living in or nearby to our Learning Centre locations, we are able to be adaptable and responsive to the local village context.
Across our eight Learning Centres, our team has been consulting with community leaders and parents to come up with new ways to provide face-to-face lessons to give students a break from the desk work assigned by schools. Drawing on a mix of indoor sessions with small groups and outdoor learning, our students are able to meet together and engage with our Teachers, work on their English language skills, and hone their confidence, collaboration, creativity and critical think skills.
Learning Farm - Kelong
We have previously updated our readers on our Malang Rapat Learning Farm. Following its success, Maintenance and Farm Officer - Roni - has set out to establish a learning farm at Kelong Learning Centre. With support from Tintin and Teacher Dani, preparations for setting up the Kelong Learning Farm are underway!
Ramadan Celebrations
Ramadan fell in April this year, with Idul Fitri in May. Our team held regular fast breaking with students at the Learning Centres, providing encouragement during an unusual festive period.
To all of our staff, students and readers who celebrate, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin and Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri..!